Agency Certification

Caine & Weiner Company, Inc. prides itself on its certification by the former Commercial Collection Agency Association (CCAA) of the Commercial Law League of America, the nation’s oldest creditors’ rights organization founded in 1895. CLLA Certified Agency

As a CCAA certified member, Caine & Weiner Company, Inc. is in the select company of fewer than 2% of the nations 4,000 agencies who meet the association’s rigorous code of ethics.

  • Members must carry a $300,000 minimum surety bond for the protection of clients
  • Maintain separate trust accounts for collected funds
  • Subject to audits and random onsite visits
  • The agency has been in business for a minimum of four years
  • Agency executives are required to attend yearly seminars & educational meetings
  • Prompt remittance of funds to creditors
  • Ongoing oversight to ensure code of ethics adherence
  • Maintenance of collection procedures that maintain the goodwill of clients


These are just a few of the standards and procedures which make this certification the gold standard of the industry and set certified CCAA members apart from the rest of the pack.

Collector Certification

Our collection team, comprised of tenured professionals and the recruitment of  the top talent in the industry, undergo the Commercial Collection Agency Association’s Certified Collector Program.

The comprehensive program, designed for collection professionals and taught by certified industry instructors, hones team members’ professional skills and familiarizes them with regulations, ethics and collection procedures allowed by state and federal law. It is an outstanding program for developing top notch collectors as well as candidates for supervision and management positions within the industry.

Completion of the program, coupled with Caine & Weiner Company, Inc.’s in-house training, produces knowledgeable professionals with an excellent grasp of the workings of the commercial collection industry.

By having a certified Caine & Weiner Company, Inc. collector handle your outstanding receivables you are assured they will be handled in an expeditious, well-ordered manner.